Bowling is fun. My all-time favourite. I dont mind playing on my own, I just love bowling. So are badminton and squash, but u need a willing partner for that, so they are not readily playable unless u manage to find one.
Children are cute, they are playful. They melt ur heart, make ur day and so on. I like kids.

Watching kids playing bowling are fun. But when they play next to you, they can give you headache. A big one.

I play bowling now and again, and I try to regularly when I get a chance. But playing after schooltime is not always pleasant. Sbb tempat tu offer, satu game sepound or sumthing for kids after school. Seriesly, berpinaran mata tengok budak2 berlari disekeliling. Sangat bahaya. There are just so many possible accidents that could happen, I was annoyed coz the carers seems not bothered to behave them.
1- Im worried if tetengah nak campak bola tu tetiba ade budak ketot berlari belakang, pang bola 12pounds terhentak kat kepala. Pecah terus. Especially bowler with an aggressive approach like me (LOL)
2- Jari terkepit cecelah bola. Dah la jari tu comel, bola tu bapak besar maha berat. Budak2 ni gemar melenggang dekat tempat letak bola tu. I saw ade budak meraung2 sbb jari nye yg kecik tu terkepit cecelah bola yg berat. Mrasa. Ade pulak yg gemar berlarik2 sambil bawak bola, ade je kemungkinan bola tu terjatuh atas kaki lantas menyebabkan Lisfranc injury.
3- Terjatuh, then head injury. Tempat tu kan cam dah la licin. ade split level or sumthing, so u can easily get tripped over and hit ur head against metal bar etc. Kalo kene bjik mata buta terus.
By the way my day off went uneventfully. Did a lil bit of reading but spent most of the day sleeping. And web browsing. Also another day off tomoro, so I should make some plans. Damn, need to wash my scrub. For some reason I got 3 bottoms and 1 top. Dah abis stock katanya. So kenelah basuh scrub tu every 2 days. Nak basuh setiap hari tak larat. At the moment, kaler hijau tuua. Heard rumour says, they gonna revise the colour very soon. I need another top for the time being, that would save me from basuh baju all the time! :(
1 comment:
u r worried sbb nnt klu accident dorang sumer masuk ke a+e e ok?
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