But above all, there was nothing worse than being torn into-pieces by a hard-tongued, perfectionist cansultant radiologist. Well there was a case this afternoon of a patient who arrived with complaints of tummy pain and collapse. Apparently he went to see his GP earlier, and he was found to hv bloood in urine for which he was prescribed a medication for urinary infection. He got home, and BOOOOM..he COLLAPSED!!! He arrived in the casualty in a peri-arrest state, and was haemodynamically shocked!! I just nosed in, to find out what was happening in the resus (i.e. the room with all the equipments in the department to resuscitate the most ill patients who were brought in from the community). That was when my consultant asked me to speak to surgeons and arranged an ultra-urgent CT abdo, as the initial examination revealed abdo tenderness, while she was carrying out a fast scan assessment. Unfortunately this happened at a lunch time, and I was running str8 to this radiologist's office to request a scan, only to find she wasn't there. Then went running to CT suite, but they refused to do without a consultant signature, then I went looking for her in the canteen. But no success. Then I went throu switchboard, I was put throu to her secretary twice, not on her mobile. seriously I was kidded, how on earth a supposedly-oncall consultant is not contactable through any mode of communication???? It drove me nuts! I wasted 25mins searching around the hospital, only to be told she had returned to her office from god-knows-where. Whilst in laboured breathing (panting more like), I was elaborating the story about this poor chap, only to be quizzed on the justifications of CT abdo etc. Damn... wasted another 10-15 mins, In the end she agreed (obviously with my consultant's intervention, althou she was also startled with all those glorious questions!!!). there where so many arguments etc that I cant be arsed to tell. But GIRL, that was tough! She asked textbook stuffs. I was lucky to hv done surgical rotation recently! But in her fairness, she made the attending physicians to be more responsible with their clinical findings, rather then dumping the diagnostic responsibilities onto her shoulder. In the end the patient was found to hv a leaking AAA, and was taken to the nearest vascular department. phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I wont bother speaking to her again next time unless it's real emergency. PERIOD!
It's been a long shift again today, and my legs started to blister. Well more like kulit kering and stuff.
Luckily Im off tomoro, and I should hv ample time to recover before another long shifts on the weekend. Sadly, it is going to be the third working weekend of the month. I am horrendously annoyed!!!
kesiannye dikau
kaki dikau koyak2..
i kesian ok..
sabarlah ok dengan kejadian2 di a+e itu!!
tp kaki dikau tu mcm kene ulat air
ulat air tu ape?? sbb minum byk sgt ke?
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